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March 11, 2010


How often do we see people of God especially leaders do great things through Christ? Many times right.  And how many times do we see some of these leaders fall into sin or become surrounded by some type of controversy that rocks our churches and our belief system? Many times right.  The problem is as people and as believers we sometimes forget that while we are given Pastors and leaders to direct us in our spiritual journeys, the only one who can be our perfect example is God.

Mark 10:18 says..." There is no one [essentially and perfectly morally] good -except God alone." - Everyday Life Bible. Joyce Meyers.

Therefore if this is true, and we may never find a perfect church, or perfect Pastors, perfect leaders, or perfect people, should that hinder us from supporting a vision that is biblically sound that will ultimately save lives?  Many times as human beings we get caught up in details that have no weight or no meaning.  And as Christians it is even more so the case when we talk about sensitive issues concerning our faith.  Every man and woman is responsible for their own relationship with God. We are not God himself, therefore we have no right to cast judgment on others especially when we do not have ALL the facts.  Some people may argue that to allow certain Leaders or Pastors who made a mistake to continue their role within the church is a sin within itself.  It has to make sense to abandon, condemn or reject someone because of their past or past mistakes they made in their personal life.  Afterall, what one person does in his or her life affects everyone else, right!

See this is the very thing I have a problem with.  People are always so quick to point the finger at others and talk about how much sin so and so has done in their life...when the truth is we all struggle with something one way or another.  How hyprocritical is it to expect God to have grace and mercy on us when we mess up, however, when our own brothers, sisters, or parents that we stand beside serving God with, we turn our backs on and condemn them showing no sign of love or grace.  The bible says we are to love one another UNCONDITIONALLY!  When an issue arises, the first thing to do is pray about it. Then go to the Source to find the truth.  Seek out the Word of God and see what it says.  Then consider the nature of Christ and how He would handle it. If God expected mankind to turn from sin easily...He wouldn't have needed His son to die for it ALL! 

Gossip is a very harmful thing.  And to participate in it is a sin.  If someone has a problem we are to approach that person with love and compassion.  We need to give each other spiritual support through fellowship and prayer knowing that God will handle every situation.  We can not take on things that is not our business.  Change will never come through condemnation.  If anything it only pushes people to cling more to that sin. If we serve God with the knowledge and expectation that people (everyone) have their own issues God is working out, then we can focus more on bringing people to HIM so that HE can deliver them. We can't deliver people.  We can only direct them to Christ. The bible says to judge a man or woman by the fruit that he or she bears to see if that person is walking with God or not.  However, walking with God still does not mean we are perfect or better than everyone else. Sometimes issues we face may take a lifetime to conquer. But as long as the Gospel is being preached accurately and God's message is reaching people, I feel THAT is what is important! We can not control what others do, but we can be responsible for ourselves. Sometimes leaders can possess bad attitudes of superiority, forgetting that they too are the same as everyone else.

God says HE will finish a good work within all of us....that is achievable when we follow Christ's example.  Leaders, Pastors, and all believers are placed on the earth to testify of His goodness and to complete the works of God. God gives the vision and then the body completes it! Don't get caught up or gossip about people's personal lives. That is the sin!
~ Tracey-Acadia Thomas

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